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Benefits of Breastfeeding for Baby and Mom

Breastfeeding – Overview Motherhood is a wonderful experience. From the...

الحازوقة (الزغطة) عند حديثي الولادة والرضّع – ماذا أفعل؟

يقوم الأطفال بالكثير من الأفعال والحركات الظريفة المحببة، التثاؤب الصغير...

How to Change a Newborn Baby Diaper – Diaper Changing Tricks

Parenting is a unique experience, especially when you are welcoming...

طرق علاج جفاف الجلد عند الأطفال الرضّع – نصائح العناية ببشرة طفلك الرضيع

تعاني كثير من الأمهات الجديدات من الحيرة والقلق عندما يلاحظن...

What our customers say

Seriously impressed!

I am seriously impressed with Babyamore for delivering my order so quickly. Kudos team. So happy to have found a good seller for baby products

Meenaakshi Venkhataraman

Never failed to deliver!

I first came across Baby Amore in a pop-up conducted by Miniroo at Chennai. I was pregnant then. So I was looking to buy things for the baby’s arrival. I have to say I have been hooked on to them since then. I delivered during the peak of pandemic and lockdowns. But Baby Amore has never failed to deliver on time. Whatever my requirements were, they were always readily available and helped me out, answered my queries, and suggests products according to my requirement. My baby just completed 17 months now and our association with Baby Amore continues till date. Thank you Baby Amore.

Saindhavi Prakash / Singer

An amazing experience!

From the service to their packaging and the products, it was overall an amazing experience. A special thanks to Ramya who made sure that all my doubts were resolved. Thankyou!

Sumreen Wani